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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

summary.ppp: Summary of a Point Pattern Dataset


Prints a useful summary of a point pattern dataset.


# S3 method for ppp
summary(object, ..., checkdup=TRUE)



Point pattern (object of class "ppp").




Logical value indicating whether to check for the presence of duplicate points.


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au, Rolf Turner r.turner@auckland.ac.nz and Ege Rubak rubak@math.aau.dk


A useful summary of the point pattern object is printed.

This is a method for the generic function summary.

If checkdup=TRUE, the pattern will be checked for the presence of duplicate points, using duplicated.ppp. This can be time-consuming if the pattern contains many points, so the checking can be disabled by setting checkdup=FALSE.

If the point pattern was generated by simulation using rmh, the parameters of the algorithm are printed.

See Also

summary, summary.owin, print.ppp


Run this code
  summary(cells)  # plain vanilla point pattern

  # multitype point pattern
  woods <- lansing
  woods <- woods[seq(1, npoints(woods), length=40)]
  summary(woods) # tabulates frequencies of each mark
  # numeric marks
  trees <- longleaf
  trees <- trees[seq(1, npoints(trees), length=40)]
  summary(trees) # prints summary.default(marks(trees))

  # weird polygonal window
  summary(demopat)  # describes it

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