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spatstat.geom (version 3.2-5)

unnormdensity: Weighted kernel smoother


An unnormalised version of kernel density estimation where the weights are not required to sum to 1. The weights may be positive, negative or zero.


unnormdensity(x, ..., weights = NULL, defaults)


Object of class "density" as described in




Numeric vector of data


Optional arguments passed to density.default. Arguments must be named.



Optional numeric vector of weights for the data. The default is equivalent to assuming a weight of 1 for each observation.


Optional, named list of arguments passed to density.default. These will be overridden by arguments in ....


If weights is not specified, the default is to assign a weight \(w_i=1\) to each observation \(x_i\).

This is not the same behaviour as in density.default which effectively assumes a weight of \(1/n\) for each observation \(x_i\) where n=length(x).


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au and Rolf Turner r.turner@auckland.ac.nz


This is an alternative to the standard R kernel density estimation function density.default.

The standard density.default requires the weights to be nonnegative numbers that add up to 1, and returns a probability density (a function that integrates to 1).

This function unnormdensity does not impose any requirement on the weights except that they be finite. Individual weights may be positive, negative or zero. The result is a function that does not necessarily integrate to 1 and may be negative. The result is the convolution of the kernel \(k\) with the weighted data, $$ f(x) = \sum_i w_i k(x- x_i) $$ where \(x_i\) are the data points and \(w_i\) are the weights.

The argument weights should be a numeric vector of the same length as x, or a single numeric value. The default is to assume a weight of 1 for each observation in x.

The algorithm first selects the kernel bandwidth by applying density.default to the data x with normalised, positive weight vector w = abs(weights)/sum(abs(weights)) and extracting the selected bandwidth. Then the result is computed by applying applying density.default to x twice using the normalised positive and negative parts of the weights.

Note that the arguments ... must be passed by name, i.e. in the form (name=value). Arguments that do not match an argument of density.default will be ignored silently.

See Also


Run this code
  d <- unnormdensity(1:3, weights=c(-1,0,1), bw=0.3)
  if(interactive()) plot(d)

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