Computes the length of each line segment
in a line segment pattern.
lengths_psp(x, squared=FALSE)
Numeric vector.
A line segment pattern (object of class "psp").
Logical value indicating whether to return
the squared lengths (squared=TRUE)
or the lengths themselves (squared=FALSE, the default).
Change of name
The name of this function has changed from lengths.psp
to lengths_psp, because the old name lengths.psp
could be misinterpreted as a method for lengths.
The older function name lengths.psp is retained temporarily,
for consistency with older code and documentation.
In future versions of spatstat, the
function name lengths.psp will be removed.
The newer function name lengths_psp should be used.
The length of each line segment is computed
and the lengths are returned as a numeric vector.
Using squared lengths may be more efficient for some purposes,
for example, to find the length of the shortest segment,
sqrt(min(lengths.psp(x, squared=TRUE)))
is faster than min(lengths.psp(x)).