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spatstat.geom (version 3.3-5)

pairdist: Pairwise distances


Computes the matrix of distances between all pairs of `things' in a dataset


pairdist(X, ...)


A square matrix whose [i,j] entry is the distance between the `things' numbered i and j.



Object specifying the locations of a set of `things' (such as a set of points or a set of line segments).


Further arguments depending on the method.

Distance values

The values returned by pairdist(X) are distances, expressed as multiples of the unit of length of the spatial coordinates in X. The unit of length is given by unitname(X).

Note that, if the unit of length in X is a composite expression such as ‘2 microns’, then the values of pairdist(X) are expressed as multiples of 2 microns, rather than being expressed in microns.


Pavel Grabarnik pavel.grabar@issp.serpukhov.su and Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au.


Given a dataset X and Y (representing either a point pattern or a line segment pattern) pairdist computes the distance between each pair of `things' in the dataset, and returns a matrix containing these distances.

The function pairdist is generic, with methods for point patterns (objects of class "ppp"), line segment patterns (objects of class "psp") and a default method. See the documentation for pairdist.ppp, pairdist.psp or pairdist.default for details.

See Also

pairdist.ppp, pairdist.psp, pairdist.default, crossdist, nndist, Kest