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spatstat.geom (version 3.3-5)

persp.ppp: Perspective Plot of Marked Point Pattern


For a spatial point pattern with numeric marks, generate a perspective plot in which each data point is shown as a vertical spike, with height proportional to the mark value.


# S3 method for ppp
persp(x, ..., main, type=c("l", "b"),
            grid = TRUE, ngrid = 10,
            col.grid = "grey", col.base = "white",
            spike.args = list(), neg.args = list(),
            which.marks = 1,
            zlab = NULL, zlim = NULL, zadjust = 1,
            legend=TRUE, legendpos="bottomleft",
            leg.args=list(lwd=4), leg.col=c("black", "orange"))


(Invisibly) the perspective transformation matrix.



A spatial point pattern (object of class "ppp") with numeric marks, or a data frame of marks.


Additional graphical arguments passed to persp.default to determine the perspective view (for example the rotation angle theta and the elevation angle phi) or passed to segments to control the drawing of lines (for example lwd for line width) or passed to points.default to control the drawing of points (for example pch for symbol type).


Optional main title for the plot.


Single character specifying how each observation will be plotted: type="l" for lines, type="b" for both lines and points.


Logical value specifying whether to draw a grid of reference lines on the horizontal plane.


Number of grid lines to draw in each direction, if grid=TRUE. An integer, or a pair of integers specifying the number of grid lines along the horizontal and vertical axes respectively.


Colour of grid lines, if grid=TRUE.


Colour with which to fill the horizontal plane.


List of arguments passed to plot.owin to control the drawing of the window of x. Applicable only when the window is not a rectangle.


List of arguments passed to segments to control the drawing of the spikes.


List of arguments passed to segments applicable only to those spikes which have negative height (corresponding to a mark value which is negative).


List of arguments passed to points.default to control the drawing of the points, when type="b".


Integer, or character name, identifying the column of marks which should be used, when marks(x) is a data frame.


Optional. Label for the vertical axis. Character string or expression.


Optional. Range of values on the vertical axis. A numeric vector of length 2.


Scale adjustment factor controlling the height of spikes.


Logical value specifying whether to draw a reference scale bar for the vertical axis.


Position of the reference scale bar. Either a character string matching one of the options "bottomleft", "bottomright", "topleft", "topright", "bottom", "left", "top" or "right", or a numeric vector of length 2 specifing the coordinate position of the base of the reference scale bar.


Additional arguments passed to segments to control the drawing of the reference scale bar.


A vector (usually of length 2) of colour values for successive intervals in the reference scale. The default is a reference scale consisting of black and orange stripes.


Adrian Baddeley.


The function persp is generic. This is the method for spatial point patterns (objects of class "ppp"). The argument x must be a point pattern with numeric marks, or with a data frame of marks.

A perspective view will be plotted. The eye position is determined by the arguments theta and phi passed to persp.default.

First the horizontal plane is drawn in perspective view, using a faint grid of lines to help suggest the perspective. Next the observation window of x is placed on the horizontal plane and its edges are drawn in perspective view. Finally for each data point in x, a vertical spike is erected at the spatial location of the data point, with height equal to the mark value of the point.

If any mark values are negative, the corresponding spikes will penetrate below the horizontal plane. They can be drawn in a different colour by specifying neg.args as shown in the examples.

Like all spatial plots in the spatstat family, persp.ppp does not independently rescale the \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates. A long narrow window will be represented as a long narrow window in the perspective view. To override this and allow the coordinates to be independently rescaled, use the argument scale=TRUE which will be passed to persp.default.


Run this code
   persp(longleaf, theta=-30, phi=35, spike.args=list(lwd=3), zadjust=1.5)

   # negative mark values
   X <- longleaf
   marks(X) <- marks(X) - 20
   persp(X, theta=80, phi=35, neg.args=list(col="red"),
         spike.args=list(lwd=3), zadjust=1.2)

   # irregular window
   Australia <- Window(austates)
   Y <- runifrect(70, Frame(Australia))[Australia]
   marks(Y) <- runif(npoints(Y))
   persp(Y, theta=30, phi=20, col.base="lightblue",
         win.args=list(col="pink", border=NA),
         spike.args=list(lwd=2), zadjust=1.5)

   persp(Y, type="b",
         theta=30, phi=20, col.base="lightblue",
         win.args=list(col="pink", border=NA),
         spike.args=list(lty=3), point.args=list(col="blue"), zadjust=1.5)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab