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spatstat.linnet (version 3.2-5)

spatstat.linnet-internal: Internal spatstat.linnet functions


Internal spatstat.linnet functions.


ApplyConnected(X, Engine, r, ..., rule, auxdata)
DoCountEnds(X, D, toler)
DoCountCrossEnds(X, I, J, DIJ, toler)
FDMKERNEL(lppobj, dtt, dtx, M, nsave, weights,
          stepnames, setuponly, verbose)
# S3 method for linfun
as.linfun(X, ...)
# S3 method for lintess
as.owin(W, ...)
# S3 method for lppm
getglmdata(object, ...)
# S3 method for lppm
getglmfit(object, ...)
# S3 method for lppm
getglmsubset(object, ...)
# S3 method for lppm
evaluateNetCovariate(covariate, locations, ...)
evaluateNetCovariateAlongNetwork(covariate, locations, ..., types)
evaluateNetCovariateAtPoints(covariate, locations, ..., allow.column)
exactlppm(X, baseline, ..., subset)
# S3 method for exactlppm
# S3 method for exactlppm
# S3 method for exactlppm
predict(object, locations,...)
# S3 method for exactlppm
print(x, ...)
# S3 method for lintess
print(x, ...)
# S3 method for summary.linim
print(x, ...)
# S3 method for summary.linnet
print(x, ...)
# S3 method for summary.lintess
print(x, ...)
# S3 method for lintess
summary(object, ...)
# S3 method for exactlppm
# S3 method for lintess
# S3 method for lintess
Window(X, ...)
# S3 method for linnet
Window(X, ..., check=TRUE) <- value
# S3 method for lpp
Window(X, ..., check=TRUE) <- value
densitypointsLPP(x, sigma, ...,
                 weights, nsigma, leaveoneout, fast,
                 fastmethod, floored,
                 dx, dt, iterMax, verbose, debug)
flatdensityfunlpp(X, ..., disconnect, weights, what)
flatdensityatpointslpp(X, ..., leaveoneout, disconnect, weights, what)
local2lpp(L, seg, tp, X, df.only)
looHeatLPP(U0, Amatrix, npts, niter, nsave,
           lixelweight, lixelmap, verbose) 
validate.lpp.coords(X, fatal, context)
# S3 method for lppm
pointsAlongNetwork(L, delta)
lineardiscEngine(L, x, r, want)
linearEuclidEngine(X, fun, ..., r, reweight, denom,
                   samplesize, showworking, correction)
linearKengine(X, ..., r, reweight, denom, samplesize,
              correction, ratio, showworking)
linearKmulti(X, I, J, r, ..., correction)
linearKmulti.inhom(X, I, J, lambdaI, lambdaJ, r, ..., correction,
             normalise, sigma)
linearpcfengine(X, ..., r, reweight, denom, samplesize, correction, ratio)
linearpcfmulti(X, I, J, r, ..., correction)
linearpcfmulti.inhom(X, I, J, lambdaI, lambdaJ, r, ...,
                     correction, normalise,
                     sigma, adjust.sigma, bw, adjust.bw)
linearKmultiEngine(X, I, J, ...,
                   r, reweight, denom, samplesize, correction, showworking)
linearPCFmultiEngine(X, I, J, ...,
                   r, reweight, denom, samplesize, correction, showworking)
resampleNetworkDataFrame(df, template)
# S3 method for lpp
resolve.lambda(X, lambda, subset, ...,
       update, leaveoneout, everywhere, loo.given, sigma, lambdaname)
# S3 method for lppm
spatialCovariateEvidence(model, covariate, ..., lambdatype, 
          eps, dimyx, xy, rule.eps,
          delta, nd, interpolate, jitter, jitterfactor,
          modelname, covname, dataname, subset, clip.predict)
# S3 method for exactlppm
spatialCovariateEvidence(model, covariate, ...,
          lambdatype, interpolate, jitter, jitterfactor,
          modelname, covname, dataname, subset, clip.predict)
vnnFind(seg, tp, ns, nv, from, to, seglen, huge, tol, kmax)
ldtEngine(nv, ns, from, to, seglen, huge,
          coUXord, vnndist, vnnwhich, vnnlab)
resolve.heat.steps(sigma, ..., dx, dt,
                   niter, iterMax, nsave,
                   seglengths, maxdegree, AMbound, L,
                   finespacing, fineNsplit, fineNlixels,
                   W, eps, dimyx, xy, 
                   allow.adjust, warn.adjust,
                   verbose, stepnames)
rmaxEuclidean(L, verbose, show)
qkdeEngine(x, sigma, ..., at, what,
           leaveoneout, diggle, raw, edge2D, edge,
           weights, varcov, positive, shortcut,
           precomputed, savecomputed)
# S3 method for lppm
updateData(model, X, ...)
Math(x, ...)
Ops(e1, e2)
Summary(..., na.rm = FALSE)

LinimOp(e1, e2, op)
LinimListOp(e1, e2, op)
traceTessLinnet(A, L)



The return values of these functions are not documented, and may change without warning.


These internal spatstat.linnet functions should not be called directly by the user. Their names and capabilities may change without warning from one version of spatstat.linnet to the next.