dummy.ppm: Extract Dummy Points Used to Fit a Point Process Model
Given a fitted point process model,
this function extracts the `dummy points' of the
quadrature scheme used to fit the model.
fitted point process model (an object of class "ppm").
A point pattern (object of class "ppp").
An object of class "ppm" represents a point process model
that has been fitted to data. It is typically produced by
the model-fitting algorithm ppm.
The ppm algorithm approximates the pseudolikelihood
integral by a sum over a finite set of quadrature points,
which is constructed by augmenting
the original data point pattern by a set of ``dummy'' points.
The fitted model object returned by ppm
contains complete information about this quadrature scheme.
See ppm or ppm.object for further
This function extracts the dummy points of the quadrature scheme.
A typical use of this function would be to count the number of dummy
points, to gauge the accuracy of the approximation to the
exact pseudolikelihood.
See ppm.object for a list of all operations that can be
performed on objects of class "ppm".