logical: if TRUE, erode the bounding
rectangle as well.
extra arguments to as.mask
controlling the pixel resolution
Another object of class "owin" representing the
eroded window.
The morphological erosion of a set $W$ by a distance $r > 0$
is the subset
consisting of all points $x \in W$ such that the
distance from $x$ to the boundary of $W$ is greater than
or equal to $r$. In other words it is the result of trimming
a margin of width $r$ off the set $W$.
This function computes the erosion of the window w.
If w is not
a rectangle, it must be approximated by a binary pixel image,
and the arguments "..." are passed to as.mask
to determine the pixel resolution. There is a sensible default.
If shrink.frame is false, the resulting window is given the
same outer, bounding rectangle as the original window w.
If shrink.frame is true, the original bounding rectangle
is also eroded by the same distance r.
To simply compute the area of the eroded window,
use eroded.areas.