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spatstat (version 1.16-1)

shift.psp: Apply Vector Translation To Line Segment Pattern


Applies a vector shift to a line segment pattern.


## S3 method for class 'psp':
shift(X, vec=c(0,0), ..., origin=NULL)


Line Segment pattern (object of class "psp").
Vector of length 2 representing a translation.
Character string determining a location that will be shifted to the origin. Options are "centroid", "midpoint" and "bottomleft". Partially matched.


  • Another line segment pattern (of class "psp") representing the result of applying the vector shift.


The line segment pattern, and its window, are translated by the vector vec. This is a method for the generic function shift.

If origin is given, then it should be one of the character strings "centroid", "midpoint" or "bottomleft". The argument vec will be ignored; instead the shift will be performed so that the specified geometric location is shifted to the origin. If origin="centroid" then the centroid of the window will be shifted to the origin. If origin="midpoint" then the centre of the bounding rectangle of the window will be shifted to the origin. If origin="bottomleft" then the bottom left corner of the bounding rectangle of the window will be shifted to the origin.

See Also

shift, shift.owin, shift.ppp, rotate, affine


Run this code
X <- psp(runif(10), runif(10), runif(10), runif(10), window=owin())
  plot(X, col="red")
  Y <- shift(X, c(0.05,0.05))
  plot(Y, add=TRUE, col="blue")

  shift(Y, origin="mid")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab