Optional range of x values for the location of the
colour ribbon.
Optional range of y values for the location of the
colour ribbon.
Logical flag determining whether the colour ribbon
is plotted as a horizontal strip (FALSE) or a vertical strip
Logical flag determining whether an axis should be plotted
showing the numerical values that are mapped to the colours.
Function. If this is present, then the labels on the plot,
which indicate the input values corresponding to particular colours,
will be transformed by labelmap before being displayed
on the plot. Typically used to simplify or shor
This is the plot method for the class "colourmap".
An object of this class
(created by the function colourmap)
represents a colour map or
colour lookup table associating colours with each data value.
The command plot.colourmap displays the colour map as a colour
ribbon. This plot can be useful on its own to inspect the colour map.
To annotate an existing plot with an explanatory colour ribbon,
specify add=TRUE and use the arguments xlim
and/or ylim to control the physical position of the ribbon
on the plot.