Optional. Start point and end point of the transect.
Pairs of $(x,y)$ coordinates
in a format acceptable to xy.coords,
or keywords "bottom", "left", "top"
Logical value.
If TRUE, the linear transect is determined interactively
by the user, who clicks two points on the current plot.
Logical. If click=TRUE, this argument determines
whether to perform interactive tasks on the current plot (add=TRUE)
or to start by plotting X (add=FALSE).
An object of class "fv" which can be plotted.
The pixel values of the image X along a line segment
will be extracted. The result is a function table ("fv" object)
which can be plotted directly.
If click=TRUE, then the user is prompted to click two points on
the plot of X. These endpoints define the transect.
Otherwise, the transect is defined by the endpoints
from and to. The default is a diagonal transect from
bottom left to top right of the frame.