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spatstat (version 1.48-0)

progressreport: Print Progress Reports


Prints Progress Reports during a loop or iterative calculation.


progressreport(i, n, every = min(100,max(1, ceiling(n/100))), tick = 1, nperline = NULL, charsperline = getOption("width"), style = spatstat.options("progress"), showtime = NULL, state=NULL)


Integer. The current iteration number (from 1 to n).
Integer. The (maximum) number of iterations to be computed.
Optional integer. Iteration number will be printed when i is a multiple of every.
Optional integer. A tick mark or dot will be printed when i is a multiple of tick.
Optional integer. Number of iterations per line of output.
Optional integer. The number of characters in a line of output.
Character string determining the style of display. Options are "tty" (the default), "tk" and "txtbar". See Details.
Optional. Logical value indicating whether to print the estimated time remaining. Applies only when style="tty".
Optional. A list containing the internal data.


If state was NULL, the result is NULL. Otherwise the result is the updated value of state.


This is a convenient function for reporting progress during an iterative sequence of calculations or a suite of simulations.

  • If style="tk" then tcltk::tkProgressBar is used to pop-up a new graphics window showing a progress bar. This requires the package tcltk. As i increases from 1 to n, the bar will lengthen. The arguments every, tick, nperline, showtime are ignored.
  • If style="txtbar" then txtProgressBar is used to represent progress as a bar made of text characters in the R interpreter window. As i increases from 1 to n, the bar will lengthen. The arguments every, tick, nperline, showtime are ignored.
  • If style="tty" (the default), then progress reports are printed to the console. This only seems to work well under Linux. As i increases from 1 to n, the output will be a sequence of dots (one dot for every tick iterations), iteration numbers (printed when iteration number is a multiple of every or is less than 4), and optionally the estimated time remaining. For example [etd 1:20:05] means an estimated time of 1 hour, 20 minutes and 5 seconds until finished.

The estimated time remaining will be printed only if style="tty", and the argument state is given, and either showtime=TRUE, or showtime=NULL and the iterations are slow (defined as: the estimated time remaining is longer than 3 minutes, or the average time per iteration is longer than 20 seconds).

It is optional, but strongly advisable, to use the argument state to store and update the internal data for the progress reports (such as the cumulative time taken for computation) as shown in the last example below. This avoids conflicts with other programs that might be calling progressreport at the same time.


Run this code
  for(i in 1:40) {
     # code that does something...
     progressreport(i, 40)

  # saving internal state: *recommended*
  sta <- list()
  for(i in 1:20) {
     # some code ...
     sta <- progressreport(i, 20, state=sta)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab