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spatstat (version 1.48-0)

rpoisline: Generate Poisson Random Line Process


Generate a random pattern of line segments obtained from the Poisson line process.


rpoisline(lambda, win=owin())


Intensity of the Poisson line process. A positive number.
Window in which to simulate the pattern. An object of class "owin" or something acceptable to as.owin.


A line segment pattern (an object of class "psp").The result also has an attribute called "lines" (an object of class "infline" specifying the original infinite random lines) and an attribute "linemap" (an integer vector mapping the line segments to their parent lines).


This algorithm generates a realisation of the uniform Poisson line process, and clips it to the window win.

The argument lambda must be a positive number. It controls the intensity of the process. The expected number of lines intersecting a convex region of the plane is equal to lambda times the perimeter length of the region. The expected total length of the lines crossing a region of the plane is equal to lambda * pi times the area of the region.

See Also



Run this code
 # uniform Poisson line process with intensity 10,
 # clipped to the unit square

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab