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spatstat (version 1.48-0)

shift.ppp: Apply Vector Translation To Point Pattern


Applies a vector shift to a point pattern.


"shift"(X, vec=c(0,0), ..., origin=NULL)


Point pattern (object of class "ppp").
Vector of length 2 representing a translation.
Character string determining a location that will be shifted to the origin. Options are "centroid", "midpoint" and "bottomleft". Partially matched.


Another point pattern (of class "ppp") representing the result of applying the vector shift.


The point pattern, and its window, are translated by the vector vec. This is a method for the generic function shift.

If origin is given, then it should be one of the character strings "centroid", "midpoint" or "bottomleft". The argument vec will be ignored; instead the shift will be performed so that the specified geometric location is shifted to the origin. If origin="centroid" then the centroid of the window will be shifted to the origin. If origin="midpoint" then the centre of the bounding rectangle of the window will be shifted to the origin. If origin="bottomleft" then the bottom left corner of the bounding rectangle of the window will be shifted to the origin.

See Also

shift, shift.owin, periodify, rotate, affine


Run this code
  X <- shift(cells, c(2,3))
  ## Not run: 
#   plot(X)
#   # no discernible difference except coordinates are different
#   ## End(Not run)
  plot(cells, pch=16)
  plot(shift(cells, c(0.03,0.03)), add=TRUE)

  shift(cells, origin="mid")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab