This dataset is a spatial point pattern of trees
recorded at Waka National Park, Gabon.
See Balinga et al (2006).
The dataset waka is a point pattern
(object of class "ppp") containing the spatial coordinates
of each tree, marked by the tree diameter at breast height
The survey region is a 100 by 100 metre square.
Coordinates are given in metres, while the dbh is in centimetres.
Nicolas Picard
Balinga, M., Sunderland, T., Walters, G., Issemb\'e, Y., Asaha, S.
and Fombod, E. (2006)
A vegetation assessment of the Waka national park, Gabon.
Herbier National du Gabon, LBG, MBG, WCS, FRP and
Simthsonian Institution, Libreville, Gabon. CARPE Report, 154 pp.
Picard, N., Bar-Hen, A., Mortier, F. and Chadoeuf, J. (2009)
The multi-scale marked area-interaction point process: a model for
the spatial pattern of trees.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics36 23--41