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spatstat (version 1.52-1)

texturemap: Texture Map


Create a map that associates data values with graphical textures.


texturemap(inputs, textures, ...)



A vector containing all the data values that will be mapped to textures.


Optional. A vector of integer codes specifying the textures to which the inputs will be mapped.

Other graphics parameters such as col, lwd, lty.


An object of class "texturemap" representing the texture map.


A texture map is an association between data values and graphical textures. The command texturemap creates an object of class "texturemap" that represents a texture map.

Once a texture map has been created, it can be applied to any suitable data to generate a texture plot of those data using textureplot. This makes it easy to ensure that the same texture map is used in two different plots. The texture map can also be plotted in its own right.

The argument inputs should be a vector containing all the possible data values (such as the levels of a factor) that are to be mapped.

The textures should be integer values between 1 and 8, representing the eight possible textures described in the help for add.texture. The default is textures = 1:n where n is the length of inputs.

See Also



Run this code
   texturemap(letters[1:4], 2:5, col=1:4, lwd=2)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab