A function to produce a plot of, and return, the lag 1 (or higher, see argument 'lag') autocorrelation for each of the spatially correlated frailty chains
frailtylag1(object, plot = TRUE, lag = 1, ...)
the lag 1 autocorrelation for each of the spatially correlated frailty chains
an object inheriting class mcmcspatsurv
logical whether to plot the result, default is TRUE
the lag to plot, the default is 1
other arguments to be passed to the plot function
print.mcmcspatsurv, quantile.mcmcspatsurv, summary.mcmcspatsurv, vcov.mcmcspatsurv, spatialpars, hazardpars, fixedpars, randompars, baselinehazard, predict.mcmcspatsurv, priorposterior, posteriorcov, MCE, hazardexceedance