A function to produce a plot of the posterior covariance function with upper and lower quantiles.
probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975),
rmax = NULL,
n = 100,
plot = TRUE,
bw = FALSE,
corr = FALSE,
produces a plot of the posterior spatial covariance function.
an object of class mcmcspatsurv
vector of probabilities to be fed to quantile function
maximum distance in space to compute this distance up to
the number of points at which to evaluate the posterior covariance.
whether to plot the result
Logical. Plot in black/white/greyscale? Default is to produce a colour plot. Useful for producing plots for journals that do not accept colour plots.
logical whether to return the correlation function, default is FALSE i.e. returns the covariance function
other arguments to be passed to matplot function
print.mcmcspatsurv, quantile.mcmcspatsurv, summary.mcmcspatsurv, vcov.mcmcspatsurv, frailtylag1, spatialpars, hazardpars, fixedpars, randompars, baselinehazard, predict.mcmcspatsurv, priorposterior, MCE, hazardexceedance