A function to produce plots of the prior (which shows as a red line) and posterior (showing as a histogram)
breaks = 30,
ylab = "Density",
main = "",
pause = TRUE,
bw = FALSE,
plots of the prior (red line) and posterior (histogram).
an object inheriting class mcmcspatsurv
see ?hist
optional y label
optional title
logical whether to pause between plots, the default is TRUE
Logical. Plot in black/white/greyscale? Default is to produce a colour plot. Useful for producing plots for journals that do not accept colour plots.
other arguments passed to the hist function
print.mcmcspatsurv, quantile.mcmcspatsurv, summary.mcmcspatsurv, vcov.mcmcspatsurv, frailtylag1, spatialpars, hazardpars, fixedpars, randompars, baselinehazard, predict.mcmcspatsurv, posteriorcov, MCE, hazardexceedance