A function to perform maximun likelihood inference for non-spatial survival data.
survspatNS(formula, data, dist, control = inference.control())
an object inheriting class 'mcmcspatsurv' for which there exist methods for printing, summarising and making inference from.
the model formula in a format compatible with the function flexsurvreg from the flexsurv package
a SpatialPointsDataFrame object containing the survival data as one of the columns
choice of distribution function for baseline hazard. Current options are: exponentialHaz, weibullHaz, gompertzHaz, makehamHaz, tpowHaz
additional control parameters, see ?inference.control
Benjamin M. Taylor and Barry S. Rowlingson (2017). spatsurv: An R Package for Bayesian Inference with Spatial Survival Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 77(4), 1-32, doi:10.18637/jss.v077.i04.
tpowHaz, exponentialHaz, gompertzHaz, makehamHaz, weibullHaz,
covmodel, linkExponentialCovFct, SpikedExponentialCovFct
mcmcpars, mcmcPriors, inference.control