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spdep (version 1.3-1)

joincount.multi: BB, BW and Jtot join count statistic for k-coloured factors


A function for tallying join counts between same-colour and different colour spatial objects, where neighbour relations are defined by a weights list. Given the global counts in each colour, expected counts and variances are calculated under non-free sampling, and a z-value reported. Since multiple tests are reported, no p-values are given, allowing the user to adjust the significance level applied. Jtot is the count of all different-colour joins.


joincount.multi(fx, listw, zero.policy = attr(listw, "zero.policy"),
 spChk = NULL, adjust.n=TRUE)
# S3 method for jcmulti
print(x, ...)


A matrix with class jcmulti with row and column names for observed and expected counts, variance, and z-value.



a factor of the same length as the neighbours and weights objects in listw


a listw object created for example by nb2listw


default attr(listw, "zero.policy") as set when listw was created, if attribute not set, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE assign NA


default TRUE, if FALSE the number of observations is not adjusted for no-neighbour observations, if TRUE, the number of observations is adjusted consistently (up to and including spdep 0.3-28 the adjustment was inconsistent - thanks to Tomoki NAKAYA for a careful bug report)


should the data vector names be checked against the spatial objects for identity integrity, TRUE, or FALSE, default NULL to use get.spChkOption()


object to be printed


arguments to be passed through for printing


Roger Bivand Roger.Bivand@nhh.no


Cliff, A. D., Ord, J. K. 1981 Spatial processes, Pion, p. 20; Upton, G., Fingleton, B. 1985 Spatial data analysis by example: point pattern and qualitative data, Wiley, pp. 158--170.

See Also



Run this code
columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
HICRIME <- cut(columbus$CRIME, breaks=c(0,35,80), labels=c("low","high"))
(nb <- poly2nb(columbus))
lw <- nb2listw(nb, style="B")
joincount.multi(HICRIME, lw)
col_geoms <- st_geometry(columbus)
col_geoms[21] <- st_buffer(col_geoms[21], dist=-0.05)
st_geometry(columbus) <- col_geoms
(nb <- poly2nb(columbus))
lw <- nb2listw(nb, style="B", zero.policy=TRUE)
joincount.multi(HICRIME, lw)
if (FALSE) {
HICRIME <- cut(COL.OLD$CRIME, breaks=c(0,35,80), labels=c("low","high"))
names(HICRIME) <- rownames(COL.OLD)
joincount.multi(HICRIME, nb2listw(COL.nb, style="B"))
data(hopkins, package="spData")
image(1:32, 1:32, hopkins[5:36,36:5], breaks=c(-0.5, 3.5, 20),
 col=c("white", "black"))
hopkins.rook.nb <- cell2nb(32, 32, type="rook")
unlist(spweights.constants(nb2listw(hopkins.rook.nb, style="B")))
hopkins.queen.nb <- cell2nb(32, 32, type="queen")
hopkins.bishop.nb <- diffnb(hopkins.rook.nb, hopkins.queen.nb, verbose=FALSE)
hopkins4 <- hopkins[5:36,36:5]
hopkins4[which(hopkins4 > 3, arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 4
hopkins4.f <- factor(hopkins4)
joincount.multi(hopkins4.f, nb2listw(hopkins.rook.nb, style="B"))
cat("replicates Upton & Fingleton table 3.4 (p. 166)\n")
joincount.multi(hopkins4.f, nb2listw(hopkins.bishop.nb, style="B"))
cat("replicates Upton & Fingleton table 3.6 (p. 168)\n")
joincount.multi(hopkins4.f, nb2listw(hopkins.queen.nb, style="B"))
cat("replicates Upton & Fingleton table 3.7 (p. 169)\n")

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