local_joincount_uni: Calculate the local univariate join count
The univariate local join count statistic is used to identify clusters of rarely occurring binary variables. The binary variable of interest should occur less
than half of the time.
The local join count statistic requires a binary weights list which can be generated with nb2listw(nb, style = "B"). Additionally, ensure that the binary variable of interest is rarely occurring in no more than half of observations.
P-values are estimated using a conditional permutation approach. This creates a reference distribution from which the observed statistic is compared. For more see Geoda Glossary.
Anselin, L., & Li, X. (2019). Operational Local Join Count Statistics for Cluster Detection. Journal of geographical systems, 21(2), 189–210. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1007/s10109-019-00299-x")