- model
an object of class lm
returned by lm
(assuming no global spatial autocorrelation), or an object of class sarlm
returned by a spatial simultaneous autoregressive model fit (assuming global spatial autocorrelation represented by the model spatial coefficient); weights may be specified in the lm
fit, but offsets should not be used
- select
an integer vector of the id. numbers of zones to be tested; if missing, all zones
- nb
a list of neighbours of class nb
- glist
a list of general weights corresponding to neighbours
- style
can take values W, B, C, and S
- zero.policy
default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value of zones without
neighbours, if FALSE assign NA
- alternative
a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis,
must be one of greater (default), less or two.sided.
- spChk
should the data vector names be checked against the spatial objects for identity integrity, TRUE, or FALSE, default NULL to use get.spChkOption()
- resfun
default: weighted.residuals; the function to be used to extract residuals from the lm
object, may be residuals
, weighted.residuals
, rstandard
, or rstudent
- Omega
A SAR process matrix may be passed in to test an alternative hypothesis, for example Omega <- invIrW(listw, rho=0.1); Omega <- tcrossprod(Omega)
, chol()
is taken internally
- save.Vi
if TRUE, return the star-shaped weights lists for each zone
- save.M
if TRUE, save a list of left and right M products
- useTP
default FALSE, if TRUE, use truncation point in integration rather than upper=Inf, see Tiefelsdorf (2000), eq. 6.7, p.69
- truncErr
when useTP=TRUE, pass truncation error to truncation point function
- zeroTreat
when useTP=TRUE, pass zero adjustment to truncation point function
- x
object to be printed
- row.names
ignored argument to as.data.frame.localmoranex
row names assigned from localmoranex object
- optional
ignored argument to as.data.frame.localmoranex
row names assigned from localmoranex object
- ...
arguments to be passed through