# Loading example data
spectra(australia) <- sr_no ~ ... ~ 350:2500
# On a Spectra object, we need to provide a vector of factors
# to split the object
s <- as(australia, 'Spectra')
# We make up some kind of factor to split the data.
idx <- sample(letters[1:5], replace = TRUE, size = nrow(s)) # This is a vector
r <- split(s, idx)
# On a SpectradataFrame object, we can also provide the name or index
# of an attribute
# Generate some kind of factor
australia$fact <- sample(LETTERS[1:3], size = nrow(australia), replace = TRUE)
r <- split(australia, 'fact')
# A list is returned, and is thus ready for use with lapply, or any
# of the l*ply functions from the plyr package
lapply(r, nrow)
# }
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