and y
vectors (default
method), or from a formula
/ data.frame
combination (formula
method).interpSpline(obj1, obj2, bSpline = FALSE, period = NULL,
na.action = na.fail, sparse = FALSE)
values or a formula.obj1
is numeric this should be a numeric vector
of the same length. If obj1
is a formula this can be an
optional data frame in which to evaluate the names in the formula.TRUE
the b-spline representation is returned,
otherwise the piecewise polynomial representation is returned.
Defaults to FALSE
s. The default action
) is to omit any incomplete observations. The
alternative action na.fail
causes interpSpline
to print
an error message and terminate if there are any incomplete
. If true, saves memory and is faster when
there are more than a few hundred points.spline
. The object can be in
the B-spline representation, in which case it will be of class
for natural B-spline, or in the piecewise polynomial
representation, in which case it will be of class npolySpline
require(graphics); require(stats)
ispl <- interpSpline( women$height, women$weight )
ispl2 <- interpSpline( weight ~ height, women )
# ispl and ispl2 should be the same
plot( predict( ispl, seq( 55, 75, length.out = 51 ) ), type = "l" )
points( women$height, women$weight )
plot( ispl ) # plots over the range of the knots
points( women$height, women$weight )
splineKnots( ispl )
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