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splines2 (version 0.5.4)

predict: Compute Spline Function for Given Coefficients


Returns the spline function (with the specified coefficients) or evaluate the basis functions at the specified x if the coefficients are not specified.


# S3 method for BSpline
predict(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for MSpline predict(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for ISpline predict(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for CSpline predict(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for BernsteinPoly predict(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for NaturalSpline predict(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for NaturalSplineK predict(object, newx = NULL, coef = NULL, ...)


The function returns the spline basis functions with the new values of x if coef is not specified. Otherwise, the function returns the resulting spline function (or its derivative if

derivs is specified as a positive integer through ...).



Spline objects produced by the splines2 package.


The x values at which evaluations are required. If it is NULL (by default), the original x used to create the spline object will be used.


A numeric vector specifying the coefficients of the spline basis functions. If it is NULL (by default), the spline basis functions will be returned. Otherwise, the resulting spline function will be returned.


Other options passed to the corresponding function that constructs the input object. For example, the additional options will be passed to bSpline() for a BSpline object.


Run this code

x <- seq.int(0, 1, 0.2)
knots <- c(0.3, 0.5, 0.6)
newx <- seq.int(0.1, 0.9, 0.2)

## Cubic B-spline basis functions
bs_mat <- bSpline(x, knots = knots)

## compute the B-spline basis functions at new x
predict(bs_mat, newx)

## compute the B-spline function for the specified coefficients
beta <- runif(ncol(bs_mat))
predict(bs_mat, coef = beta)

## compute the first derivative of the B-spline function
predict(bs_mat, coef = beta, derivs = 1)
## or equivalently
predict(deriv(bs_mat), coef = beta)

## compute the second derivative
predict(bs_mat, coef = beta, derivs = 2)
## or equivalently
predict(deriv(bs_mat, derivs = 2), coef = beta)

## compute the integral
predict(bs_mat, coef = beta, integral = TRUE)
## or equivalently
predict(update(bs_mat, integral = TRUE), coef = beta)

## visualize
op <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(2.5, 2.5, 0.5, 0.1), mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0))
plot(bs_mat, coef = beta, ylab = "B-Spline Function", mark_knots = "all")
plot(deriv(bs_mat), coef = beta, ylab = "1st Derivative", mark_knots = "all")
plot(deriv(bs_mat, derivs = 2), coef = beta,
     ylab = "2nd Derivative", mark_knots = "all")
plot(update(bs_mat, integral = TRUE), coef = beta,
     ylab = "Integral", mark_knots = "all")

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