yearly observations of 171 farms
number of observations : 1026
country : Indonesia
economic topic : producer behavior
econometrics topic : error component
A dataframe containing :
the farm identifier
the growing season
the total area cultivated with rice, measured in hectares
land status, on of 'owner'
(non sharecroppers, owner operators or leasholders or both), 'share'
(sharecroppers), 'mixed'
(mixed of the two previous status)
one of 'trad'
(traditional varieties), 'high'
(high yielding varieties) and 'mixed'
(mixed varieties)
bIMAS is an intensification program ; one of 'no'
(non-bimas famer), 'yes'
(bimas farmer) or 'mixed'
(part but not all of farmer's land was registered to be in the bimas program)
seed in kilogram
urea in kilogram
phosphate in kilogram
pesticide cost in Rupiah
price of seed in Rupiah per kg
price of urea in Rupiah per kg
price of phosphate in Rupiah per kg
hired labor in hours
family labor in hours
total labor (excluding harvest labor)
labor wage in Rupiah per hour
gross output of rice in kg
net output, gross output minus harvesting cost (paid in terms of rice)
price of rough rice in Rupiah per Kg
one of 'wargabinangun'
, 'langan'
, 'gunungwangi'
, 'malausma'
, 'sukaambit'
, 'ciwangi'
Qu Feng and William C. Horrace, (2012) “Alternative Measures of Technical Efficiency: Skew, Bias and Scale”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, forthcoming.
Horrace, W.C. and P. Schmidt (1996) “Confidence statements for efficiency estimates from stochastic frontier models”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 7, 257--282.