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spsurvey (version 4.0.0)

examine: Examine Variables in a Data Frame


This function examines variables in a data frame by printing either a table or the results of a call to the describe function in the Hmisc package.


examine(dframe, subpop = NULL, ord = TRUE, cmax = 50)



Data frame.


Character string identifying a variable in dframe that is used to group output. A separate table or call to the describe function is printed for each unique value in the variable. The default value is NULL.


Logical value that controls the order in which the variables in dframe are processed. TRUE mean that variables are processed in sorted order. FALSE means that variables are processed in the order in which they occur in dframe. The default value is TRUE.


Numeric value that controls whether a call to table or a call to describe is used to process variables in dframe. If the number of unique values in a variable is less than or equal to cmax, then table is called. If the number of unique values in a variable is greater than cmax, then describe is called. The default value is 50.


Tables and/or the output from calls to describe are printed. The function returns NULL invisibly.


Run this code
df <- data.frame(
  SiteID = 1:100,
  Catvar = sample(LETTERS[1:5], 100, TRUE),
  Contvar = rnorm(100, 10, 1),
  Gender = rep(c("Male", "Female"), rep(50, 2)))
examine(df, ord = FALSE)
examine(df, "Gender", FALSE)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab