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spsurvey (version 4.0.0)

spsurvey-package: spsurvey: Spatial Survey Design and Analysis


This package provides functions for design and analysis of probability surveys. The functions in spsurvey can select generalized random-tesselation stratified (GRTS) and independent random sample (IRS) survey designs. Although the function can be used with a wide range of environmental survey designs, the spsurvey analysis functions were written to accommodate data generated by a GRTS sampling design. The functions in spsurvey are applicable to finite (discrete units, zero-dimensional), linear (one-dimensional), and areal (two-dimensional) resources. Examples of these resource are lakes in the United States (a finite resource), rivers and streams in Oregon (a linear resource), and Chesapeake Bay (an areal resource). The design functions can select stratified and unstratified sampling designs. The analysis functions can accommodate stratified and unstratified designs, both of which can utilize single-stage or two-stage sampling. Analytical capabilities accommodate both categorical and continuous data. For categorical data, estimates of proportion and size of each category (class) can be obtained. For a finite resource, size is the number of units in the resource. For an extensive (linear or areal) resource, size is the measure (extent) of the resource, i.e., length, area, or volume. In addition, for categorical data that contains bivariate (two categories) response variables and bivariate explanatory (stressor) variables, relative risk estimates and attributable risk estimates can be calculated. For continuous data, estimates of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and percentiles can be obtained in addition to estimation of the population mean, total, variance, and standard deviation. Optionally, for continuous data, estimation of the deconvoluted CDF and estimation of percentiles using the deconvoluted CDF are available.
