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spsurvey (version 4.1.4)

wnas: Internal Function: Remove NAs from Data


This function removes missing values from data for which the mode is one of the following: numeric, logical, or character. Data that is not one of those modes will cause the function to terminate with an error message. For numeric data this function removes values that are not finite, i.e., missing value (NA), not a number (NaN), infinity (Inf), and minus infinity (-Inf). For logical data this function removes missing values (NA). For character data the following values are removed: "", "NA", NA (R only), "NaN", "Inf", and "-Inf". For a factor this function removes the following values: NA, NaN, Inf, and -Inf. For a vector this function returns the vector with the indicated values removed. For a data frame this function returns the data frame with rows removed that contain at least one indicated value. For a list with components that are the same length, the list is converted to a data frame. For a list with components that are not the same length, the function prints an error message and terminates. When the process of removing missing values produces an object that no longer contains any elements (vector) or rows (data frame or list), then a NULL object is returned.





Object of type numeric, logical, or character.


Object with NAs removed.