- x
A list, data.frame or data.table, names must match the column names of the destination SQL table.
- schema
A string, the schema name of the destination SQL table.
- table
A string, the table name of the destination SQL table.
- where
A string, conditions to add to a WHERE statement.
- returning
A vector of character strings specifying the SQL column names to be returned by the UPDATE statement.
- quote_text
TRUE/FALSE, if TRUE, calls quoteText() to add single quotes around character strings.
- cast
TRUE/FALSE, if TRUE, will add SQL to cast the data to be inserted to the specified type.
- types
A vector of types to use for casting columns. If blank, will look at meta data about table to decide types.
- con
A database connection that can be passed to DBI::dbSendQuery/DBI::dbGetQuery.
- dialect
A string, "T-SQL" or "Postgresql".