An invisible data frame with three columns, Depth of search, from
1 to ncol(predictors), Gamma calculated using columns 1:Depth as predictors,
and vratio corresponding to that Gamma (Gamma / var(target))
A vector or matrix whose columns are proposed inputs to a
predictive function
A vector of double, the output variable that is to be predicted
Logical, set plot = FALSE if you don't want the plot
Character string to identify plot, for example, data being plotted
Character string, if it equals "vratio", vratios will be plotted,
otherwise Gamma is plotted
An increasing embedding search is appropriate when the input variables are ordered,
most commonly in analyzing time series, when it's useful to know how many previous
time steps or lags should be examined to build a model. Starting with lag 1, the
search adds previous values one at a time, and saves the resulting gammas. These
results can be examined using plot_increasing_search()