## stable -
## Plot stable random number series
r <- rstable(n = 1000, alpha = 1.9, beta = 0.3)
plot(r, type = "l", main = "stable: alpha=1.9 beta=0.3",
col = "steelblue")
## Plot empirical density and compare with true density:
hist(r, n = 25, probability = TRUE, border = "white",
col = "steelblue")
x <- seq(-5, 5, by=1/16)
lines(x, dstable(x, alpha = 1.9, beta = 0.3, tol= 1e-3), lwd = 2)
## Plot df and compare with true df:
plot(ecdf(r), do.points=TRUE, col = "steelblue",
main = "Probabilities: ecdf(rstable(1000,..)) and true cdf F()")
lines(x, pstable(q = x, alpha = 1.9, beta = 0.3),
col="#0000FF88", lwd= 2.5)
## Switching sign(beta) <==> Mirror the distribution around x == delta:
curve(dstable(x, alpha=1.2, beta = .8, gamma = 3, delta = 2), -10, 10)
curve(dstable(x, alpha=1.2, beta = -.8, gamma = 3, delta = 2),
add=TRUE, col=2)
## or the same
curve(dstable(2*2-x, alpha=1.2, beta = +.8, gamma = 3, delta = 2),
add=TRUE, col=adjustcolor("gray",0.2), lwd=5)
abline(v = 2, col = "gray", lty=2, lwd=2)
axis(1, at = 2, label = expression(delta == 2))
## Compute quantiles:
x. <- -4:4
px <- pstable(x., alpha = 1.9, beta = 0.3)
(qs <- qstable(px, alpha = 1.9, beta = 0.3))
stopifnot(all.equal(as.vector(qs), x., tol = 1e-5))
## Special cases: --- 1. Gaussian alpha = 2 -----------
x. <- seq(-5,5, by=1/16)
pnorm (x., m=pi, sd=1/8),
pstable(x., delta=pi, gamma=1/8, alpha = 2, beta = 0, pm = 2) )
## --- 2. Cauchy alpha = 1 -----------
pstable(x., delta=0, gamma=1, alpha = 1, beta = 0, pm = 2) )
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