if (require("TH.data")) {
## make data set available
data("bodyfat", package = "TH.data")
} else {
## simulate some data if TH.data not available.
## Note that results are non-sense with this data.
bodyfat <- matrix(rnorm(720), nrow = 72, ncol = 10)
## set seed
### using stability selection with Lasso methods:
if (require("lars")) {
(stab.lasso <- stabsel(x = bodyfat[, -2], y = bodyfat[,2],
fitfun = lars.lasso, cutoff = 0.75,
PFER = 1))
(stab.stepwise <- stabsel(x = bodyfat[, -2], y = bodyfat[,2],
fitfun = lars.stepwise, cutoff = 0.75,
PFER = 1))
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(stab.lasso, main = "Lasso")
plot(stab.stepwise, main = "Stepwise Selection")
## --> stepwise selection seems to be quite unstable even in this low
## dimensional example!
## set seed (again to make results comparable)
if (require("glmnet")) {
(stab.glmnet <- stabsel(x = bodyfat[, -2], y = bodyfat[,2],
fitfun = glmnet.lasso, cutoff = 0.75,
PFER = 1))
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(stab.glmnet, main = "Lasso (glmnet)")
if (exists("stab.lasso"))
plot(stab.lasso, main = "Lasso (lars)")
## Select variables with maximum coefficients based on lasso estimate
set.seed(1234) # reset seed
if (require("glmnet")) {
## use cross-validated lambda
lambda.min <- cv.glmnet(x = as.matrix(bodyfat[, -2]), y = bodyfat[,2])$lambda.min
(stab.maxCoef <- stabsel(x = bodyfat[, -2], y = bodyfat[,2],
fitfun = glmnet.lasso_maxCoef,
# specify additional parameters to fitfun
args.fitfun = list(lambda = lambda.min),
cutoff = 0.75, PFER = 1))
## WARNING: Using a fixed penalty (lambda) is usually not permitted and
## not sensible. See ?fitfun for details.
## now compare standard lasso with "maximal parameter estimates" from lasso
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(stab.maxCoef, main = "Lasso (glmnet; Maximum Coefficients)")
plot(stab.glmnet, main = "Lasso (glmnet)")
## --> very different results.
### using stability selection directly on computed boosting models
### from mboost
if (require("mboost")) {
### low-dimensional example
mod <- glmboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat)
## compute cutoff ahead of running stabsel to see if it is a sensible
## parameter choice.
## p = ncol(bodyfat) - 1 (= Outcome) + 1 ( = Intercept)
stabsel_parameters(q = 3, PFER = 1, p = ncol(bodyfat) - 1 + 1,
sampling.type = "MB")
## the same:
stabsel(mod, q = 3, PFER = 1, sampling.type = "MB", eval = FALSE)
# }
### Do not test the following code per default on CRAN as it takes some time to run:
## now run stability selection
(sbody <- stabsel(mod, q = 3, PFER = 1, sampling.type = "MB"))
opar <- par(mai = par("mai") * c(1, 1, 1, 2.7))
plot(sbody, type = "maxsel", ymargin = 6)
# }
# }
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