This graph will also plot numbers and bars according to whether the glass eel have been counted through weight or numbers
dc = null,
color = NULL,
color_ope = NULL,
No return value, called for side effects
an object of class report_mig-class or an object of class report_mig_mult-class
a data frame with the results
a vector POSIXt
the species
the stage
the counting device, default to null, only necessary for report_mig_mult-class
Message displayed or not
Default NULL, a vector of length 11 of color in the following order, numbers, weight, working, stopped, 1...5 types of operation, the 2 latest colors are not used but kept for consistency with fungraph for the fishway, if null will be set to brewer.pal(12,"Paired")[c(4,6,1,2,3,5,7,8,10,11,12)]
Default NULL, a vector of color for the operations. Default to brewer.pal(4,"Paired")
additional parameters passed to plot, main, ylab, cex.main, font.main, type, xlim, ylim, lty, bty, pch it is not possible to change xlim
Cedric Briand