This dataset corresponds to the data collected at the vertical slot fishway in 2015, the fishway is working daily with a cycle depending on tide. This dataset is used to show an example of detailed output for an object of class report_df-class with data loaded
An object of class report_df with 4 slots:
A dataframe with 4261 obs. of 7 variables
The number of the DF
Starting time a POSIXct
Ending time a POSIXct
DF id
A comment
Integer 1= working, 0 not working
The type of operation ('1'=normal operation, '2'=Device stopped in normal operation (ie lift ascending, high tide...), '3'='Stopped for maintenance or other problem', '4'='Works but not fully operational,i.e.flow problem, flood, clogged with debris...', '5'='Not known')
label corresponding to per_tar_code
the ref_df
object with 3 slots filled with data corresponding to the iav postgres schema
the ref_horodate
with horodate set for starting date
the ref_horodate
with horodate set for ending date