This data corresponds to data collected from three fishways and correspond to the migration station at Arzal (Vilaine estuary, France) in 2011 for three continental stages of eel (Anguilla anguilla) : glass eel, yellow eel and silver eel.
An object of class report_mig_mult with slots:
the ref_dc
object filled with data
the ref_taxa
object filled in with data corresponding to dc
the ref_stage
object filled in with data corresponding to dc, and taxa
the ref_timestep_daily
calculated for all 2011
A dataframe with 400 rows and 11 variables
operation id
sample id
sample id
dc id
species id
stage id
the value
either effectif (number) or poids (weights)
destination of the fishes
method of data collection, measured, calculated...
slot to be filled with the calcule method
A data frame with 364 observations with daily coefficients to convert from weight to numbers
A time sequence generated for the report, used internally by the object