Learn R Programming

stars (version 0.6-0)

c.stars: combine multiple stars objects, or combine multiple attributes in a single stars object into a single array


combine multiple stars objects, or combine multiple attributes in a single stars object into a single array


# S3 method for stars
  along = NA_integer_,
  try_hard = FALSE,
  nms = names(list(...)),
  tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)

# S3 method for stars_proxy c( ..., along = NA_integer_, along_crs = FALSE, try_hard = FALSE, nms = names(list(...)), tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) )


a single stars object with merged (binded) arrays.



object(s) of class star: in case of multiple arguments, these are combined into a single stars object, in case of a single argument, its attributes are combined into a single attribute. In case of multiple objects, all objects should have the same dimensionality.


integer; see read_stars


logical; if TRUE and some arrays have different dimensions, combine those that dimensions matching to the first array


character; vector with array names


numeric; values used in all.equal to compare dimension values combine those that dimensions matching to the first array


logical; if TRUE, combine arrays along a CRS dimension


An error is raised when attempting to combine arrays with different measurement units into a single array. If this was intentded, drop_units can be used to remove units of a stars object before merging.


Run this code
tif = system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars")
x = read_stars(tif)
(new = c(x, x))
c(new) # collapses two arrays into one with an additional dimension
c(x, x, along = 3)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab