Learn R Programming

stars (version 0.6-0)

stars_subset: subset stars objects


subset stars objects


# S3 method for stars
[(x, i = TRUE, ..., drop = FALSE, crop = !is_curvilinear(x))

# S3 method for stars [(x, i, downsample = 0) <- value

st_flip(x, which = 1)


st_flip flips (reverts) the array values along the chosen dimension without(s) changing the dimension properties



object of class stars


first selector: integer, logical or character vector indicating attributes to select, or object of class sf or sfc used as spatial selector; see details


further (logical or integer vector) selectors, matched by order, to select on individual dimensions


logical; if TRUE, degenerate dimensions (with only one value) are dropped


logical; if TRUE and parameter i is a spatial geometry (sf or sfc) object, the extent (bounding box) of the result is cropped to match the extent of i using st_crop. Cropping curvilinear grids is not supported.


downsampling rate used in case i is a stars_proxy object


array of dimensions equal to those in x, or a vector or value that will be recycled to such an array


character or integer; dimension(s) to be flipped


if i is an object of class sf, sfc or bbox, the spatial subset covering this geometry is selected, possibly followed by cropping the extent. Array values for which the cell centre is not inside the geometry are assigned NA.

in an assignment (or replacement form, [<-), argument i needs to be a stars object with dimensions identical to x, and value will be recycled to the dimensions of the arrays in x.


Run this code
tif = system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars")
x = read_stars(tif)
x[,,,1:3] # select bands
x[,1:100,100:200,] # select x and y by range
x["L7_ETMs.tif"] # select attribute
xy = structure(list(x = c(293253.999046018, 296400.196497684), y = c(9113801.64775462,
9111328.49619133)), .Names = c("x", "y"))
pts = st_as_sf(data.frame(do.call(cbind, xy)), coords = c("x", "y"), crs = st_crs(x))
image(x, axes = TRUE)
plot(st_as_sfc(st_bbox(pts)), col = NA, add = TRUE)
bb = st_bbox(pts)
(xx = x[bb])
plot(st_as_sfc(bb), add = TRUE, col = NA)
pt = st_point(c(x = 290462.103109179, y = 9114202.32594085))
buf = st_buffer(st_sfc(pt, crs = st_crs(x)), 1500)
plot(buf, add = TRUE)

buf = st_sfc(st_polygon(list(st_buffer(pt, 1500)[[1]], st_buffer(pt, 1000)[[1]])),
   crs = st_crs(x))
plot(buf, add = TRUE, col = NA)
image(x[buf, crop=FALSE])
plot(buf, add = TRUE, col = NA)
lc = read_stars(system.file("tif/lc.tif", package = "stars"))
x = c(orig = lc, 
      flip_x = st_flip(lc, "x"), 
      flip_y = st_flip(lc, "y"), 
      flip_xy = st_flip(lc, c("x", "y")), 
      along = 3)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab