geomatrix = system.file("tif/geomatrix.tif", package = "stars")
(x = read_stars(geomatrix))
new_crs = st_crs('OGC:CRS84')
y = st_warp(x, crs = new_crs)
plot(st_transform(st_as_sfc(st_bbox(x)), new_crs), col = NA, border = 'red')
plot(st_as_sfc(y, as_points=FALSE), col = NA, border = 'green', axes = TRUE, add = TRUE)
image(y, add = TRUE, nbreaks = 6)
plot(st_as_sfc(y, as_points=TRUE), pch=3, cex=.5, col = 'blue', add = TRUE)
plot(st_transform(st_as_sfc(x, as_points=FALSE), new_crs), add = TRUE)
# warp 0-360 raster to -180-180 raster:
r = read_stars(system.file("nc/", package = "stars"))
r %>% st_set_crs('OGC:CRS84') %>% st_warp(st_as_stars(st_bbox(), dx = 2)) -> s
plot(r, axes = TRUE) # no CRS set, so no degree symbols in labels
plot(s, axes = TRUE)
# downsample raster (90 to 270 m)
r = read_stars(system.file("tif/olinda_dem_utm25s.tif", package = "stars"))
r270 = st_as_stars(st_bbox(r), dx = 270)
r270 = st_warp(r, r270)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab