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stars (version 0.6-8)

plot: plot stars object, with subplots for each level of first non-spatial dimension


plot stars object, with subplots for each level of first non-spatial dimension, and customization of legend key


# S3 method for nc_proxy
plot(x, y, ..., downsample = get_downsample(dim(x)), max_times = 16)

# S3 method for stars plot( x, y, ..., join_zlim = TRUE, main = make_label(x, 1), axes = FALSE, downsample = TRUE, nbreaks = 11, breaks = "quantile", col = grey(1:(nbreaks - 1)/nbreaks), key.pos = get_key_pos(x, ...), key.width = kw_dflt(x, key.pos), key.length = 0.618, key.lab = ifelse(length(main) == 1, main, ""), reset = TRUE, box_col = NA, center_time = FALSE, hook = NULL, mfrow = NULL, compact = TRUE )

# S3 method for stars image( x, ..., band = 1, attr = 1, asp = NULL, rgb = NULL, maxColorValue = ifelse(inherits(rgb, "data.frame"), 255, max(x[[attr]], na.rm = TRUE)), xlab = if (!axes) "" else names(d)[1], ylab = if (!axes) "" else names(d)[2], xlim = st_bbox(extent)$xlim, ylim = st_bbox(extent)$ylim, text_values = FALSE, text_color = "black", axes = FALSE, interpolate = FALSE, as_points = FALSE, key.pos = NULL, logz = FALSE, key.width = kw_dflt(x, key.pos), key.length = 0.618, add.geom = NULL, border = NA, useRaster = isTRUE(dev.capabilities()$rasterImage == "yes"), extent = x )

# S3 method for stars_proxy plot(x, y, ..., downsample = get_downsample(dim(x)))



object of class stars




further arguments: for plot, passed on to image.stars; for image, passed on to image.default or rasterImage.


logical or numeric; if TRUE will try to plot not many more pixels than actually are visible, if FALSE, no downsampling takes place, if numeric, the number of pixels/lines/bands etc that will be skipped; see Details.


integer; maximum number of time steps to attempt to plot.


logical; if TRUE, compute a single, joint zlim (color scale) for all subplots from x


character; subplot title prefix; use "" to get only time, use NULL to suppress subplot titles


logical; should axes and box be added to the plot?


number of color breaks; should be one more than number of colors. If missing and col is specified, it is derived from that.


numeric vector with actual color breaks, or a style name used in classIntervals.


colors to use for grid cells, or color palette function


numeric; side to plot a color key: 1 bottom, 2 left, 3 top, 4 right; set to NULL to omit key. Ignored if multiple columns are plotted in a single function call. Default depends on plot size, map aspect, and, if set, parameter asp. If it has length 2, the second value, ranging from 0 to 1, determines where the key is placed in the available space (default: 0.5, center).


amount of space reserved for width of the key (labels); relative or absolute (using lcm)


amount of space reserved for length of the key (labels); relative or absolute (using lcm)


character; label for color key in case of multiple subplots, use "" to suppress


logical; if FALSE, keep the plot in a mode that allows adding further map elements; if TRUE restore original mode after plotting


color for box around sub-plots; use NA to suppress plotting of boxes around sub-plots.


logical; if TRUE, sub-plot titles will show the center of time intervals, otherwise their start


NULL or function; hook function that will be called on every sub-plot; see examples.


length-2 integer vector with nrows, ncolumns of a composite plot, to override the default layout


logical; place facets compactly (TRUE), or spread over the plotting device area?


integer; which band (dimension) to plot


integer; which attribute to plot


numeric; aspect ratio of image


integer; specify three bands to form an rgb composite. Experimental: rgb color table; see Details.


numeric; passed on to rgb


character; x axis label


character; y axis label


x axis limits


y axis limits


logical; print values as text on image?


character; color for printed text values


logical; when using rasterImage (rgb), should pixels be interpolated?


logical; for curvilinear or sheared grids: parameter passed on to st_as_sf, determining whether raster cells will be plotted as symbols (fast, approximate) or small polygons (slow, exact)


logical; if TRUE, use log10-scale for the attribute variable. In that case, breaks and at need to be given as log10-values; see examples.


object of class sfc, or list with arguments to plot, that will be added to an image or sub-image


color used for cell borders (only in case x is a curvilinear or rotated/sheared grid)


logical; use the rasterImage capabilities of the graphics device?


object which has a st_bbox method; sets the plotting extent


when plotting a subsetted stars_proxy object, the default value for argument downsample will not be computed correctly, and has to be set manually.

Downsampling: a value for downsample of 0: no downsampling, 1: after every dimension value (pixel/line/band), one value is skipped (half of the original resolution), 2: after every dimension value, 2 values are skipped (one third of the original resolution), etc. If downsample is TRUE or a length 1 numeric vector, downsampling is only applied to the raster [x] and [y] dimensions.

To remove unused classes in a categorical raster, use the droplevels function.

When bitmaps show visual artefacts (Moiré effects), make sure that device png is used rather than ragg::agg_png as the latter uses antialiasing for filled polygons which causes this; see also https://github.com/r-spatial/stars/issues/573 .

use of an rgb color table is experimental; see https://github.com/r-spatial/mapview/issues/208

when plotting a subsetted stars_proxy object, the default value for argument downsample will not be computed correctly, and has to be set manually.


Run this code
st_bbox(L7_ETMs) |> st_as_sfc() |> st_centroid() |> st_coordinates() -> pt
hook1 = function() {
    text(pt[,"X"], pt[,"Y"], "foo", col = 'orange', cex = 2)
plot(L7_ETMs, hook = hook1)
x = st_set_dimensions(L7_ETMs, 3, paste0("B_", 1:6))
hook2 = function(..., row, col, nr, nrow, ncol, value, bbox) {
   str = paste0("row ", row, "/", nrow, ", col ", col, "/", ncol, "\nnr: ", nr, " value: ", value)
   bbox |> st_as_sfc() |> st_centroid() |> st_coordinates() -> pt
   text(pt[,"X"], pt[,"Y"], str, col = 'red', cex = 2)
plot(x, hook = hook2, col = grey(c(.2,.25,.3,.35)))
if (isTRUE(dev.capabilities()$rasterImage == "yes")) {
  lc = read_stars(system.file("tif/lc.tif", package = "stars"))
  levels(lc[[1]]) = abbreviate(levels(lc[[1]]), 6) # so it's not only legend
  plot(lc, key.pos=4)
tif = system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars")
x = read_stars(tif)
image(x, col = grey((3:9)/10))
if (isTRUE(dev.capabilities()$rasterImage == "yes")) {
  image(x, rgb = c(1,3,5)) # false color composite

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab