Learn R Programming

stars (version 0.6-8)

st_mosaic: build mosaic (composite) of several spatially disjoint stars objects


build mosaic (composite) of several spatially disjoint stars objects


st_mosaic(.x, ...)

# S3 method for stars st_mosaic( .x, ..., dst = tempfile(fileext = file_ext), options = c("-vrtnodata", "-9999", "-srcnodata", "nan"), file_ext = ".tif" )

# S3 method for character st_mosaic( .x, ..., dst = tempfile(fileext = file_ext), options = c("-vrtnodata", "-9999"), file_ext = ".tif" )

# S3 method for stars_proxy st_mosaic( .x, ..., dst = tempfile(fileext = file_ext), options = c("-vrtnodata", "-9999"), file_ext = ".tif" )


the stars method returns a stars object with the composite of the input; the character method returns the file name of the file with the mosaic; see also the GDAL documentation of gdalbuildvrt



object of class stars, or character vector with input dataset names


further input stars objects


character; destination file name; this will be a VRT file with references to the source file(s), see details


character; options to the gdalbuildvrt command


character; file extension, determining the format used to write to (".tif" implies GeoTIFF)


the gdal function buildvrt builds a mosaic of input images; these input images can be multi-band, but not higher-dimensional data cubes or stars objects with multiple attributes; note that for the `stars` method, the `dst` file may contain references to temporary files that are going to be removed at termination of the R session.

uses gdal_utils to internally call buildvrt; no executables external to R are called.


Run this code
x = read_stars(system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars"))
x1 = x[,100:200,100:200,]
x2 = x[,150:300,150:300,]
plot(st_mosaic(x1, x2))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab