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statar (version 0.7.5)

fill_gap: Add rows corresponding to gaps in some variable


Add rows corresponding to gaps in some variable


  full = FALSE,
  roll = FALSE,
  rollends = if (roll == "nearest") c(TRUE, TRUE) else if (roll >= 0) c(FALSE, TRUE) else
    c(TRUE, FALSE)



A data frame


a time variable


A boolean. When full = FALSE (default), the function creates rows corresponding to all missing times between the min and max of ... within each group. When full = TRUE, the function creates rows corresponding to all missing times between the min and max of ... in the whole dataset.


When roll is a positive number, values are carried forward. roll=TRUE is equivalent to roll=+Inf. When roll is a negative number, values are rolled backwards; i.e., next observation carried backwards (NOCB). Use -Inf for unlimited roll back. When roll is "nearest", the nearest value is used. Default to FALSE (no rolling)


A logical vector length 2 (a single logical is recycled). When rolling forward (e.g. roll=TRUE) if a value is past the last observation within each group defined by the join columns, rollends[2]=TRUE will roll the last value forwards. rollends[1]=TRUE will roll the first value backwards if the value is before it. If rollends=FALSE the value of i must fall in a gap in x but not after the end or before the beginning of the data, for that group defined by all but the last join column. When roll is a finite number, that limit is also applied when rolling the end


Run this code
df <- tibble(
    id    = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
    datem  = as.monthly(mdy(c("01/01/1992", "02/01/1992", "04/01/1992", "7/11/1992"))),
    value = c(4.1, 4.5, 3.3, 3.2)
df %>% group_by(id) %>% fill_gap(datem)
df %>% group_by(id) %>% fill_gap(datem, roll = 1)
df %>% group_by(id) %>% fill_gap(datem, roll = "nearest")
df %>% group_by(id) %>% fill_gap(datem, roll = "nearest", full = TRUE)

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