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statnet.common (version 4.11.0)

xTAx: Common quadratic forms


Common quadratic forms


xTAx(x, A)

xAxT(x, A)

xTAx_solve(x, A, ...)

xTAx_qrsolve(x, A, tol = 1e-07, ...)

sandwich_solve(A, B, ...)

xTAx_eigen(x, A, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...)



a vector


a square matrix


additional arguments to subroutines


tolerance argument passed to the relevant subroutine


a square matrix


  • xTAx(): Evaluate \(x'Ax\) for vector \(x\) and square matrix \(A\).

  • xAxT(): Evaluate \(xAx'\) for vector \(x\) and square matrix \(A\).

  • xTAx_solve(): Evaluate \(x'A^{-1}x\) for vector \(x\) and invertible matrix \(A\) using solve().

  • xTAx_qrsolve(): Evaluate \(x'A^{-1}x\) for vector \(x\) and matrix \(A\) using QR decomposition and confirming that \(x\) is in the span of \(A\) if \(A\) is singular; returns rank and nullity as attributes just in case subsequent calculations (e.g., hypothesis test degrees of freedom) are affected.

  • sandwich_solve(): Evaluate \(A^{-1}B(A')^{-1}\) for \(B\) a square matrix and \(A\) invertible.

  • xTAx_eigen(): Evaluate \(x' A^{-1} x\) for vector \(x\) and matrix \(A\) (symmetric, nonnegative-definite) via eigendecomposition; returns rank and nullity as attributes just in case subsequent calculations (e.g., hypothesis test degrees of freedom) are affected.

    Decompose \(A = P L P'\) for \(L\) diagonal matrix of eigenvalues and \(P\) orthogonal. Then \(A^{-1} = P L^{-1} P'\).

    Substituting, $$x' A^{-1} x = x' P L^{-1} P' x = h' L^{-1} h$$ for \(h = P' x\).


These are somewhat inspired by emulator::quad.form.inv() and others.