#we process an original set that is just the first 100 documents
out <- prepDocuments(temp$documents, temp$vocab, temp$meta)
#Maximum EM its is set low to make this run fast, run models to convergence!
mod.out <- stm(out$documents, out$vocab, 3, prevalence=~treatment + s(pid_rep),
data=out$meta, max.em.its=5)
#now we process the remaining documents
#note we don't run prepCorpus here because we don't want to drop any words- we want
#every word that showed up in the old documents.
newdocs <- alignCorpus(new=temp, old.vocab=mod.out$vocab)
#we get some helpful feedback on what has been retained and lost in the print out.
#and now we can fit our new held-out documents
fitNewDocuments(model=mod.out, documents=newdocs$documents, newData=newdocs$meta,
origData=out$meta, prevalence=~treatment + s(pid_rep),
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