This is a random sample of the larger CMU 2008 Political Blog Corpus
collected by Jacob Eisenstein and Eric Xing. Quoting from their
documentation: "[The blogs] were selected by the following criteria: the
Technorati rankings of blog authority, ideological balance, coverage for the
full year 2008, and ease of access to blog archives. In the general election
for U.S. President in 2008, the following blogs supported Barack Obama:
Digby, ThinkProgress, and Talking Points Memo. John McCain was supported by
American Thinker, Hot Air, and Michelle Malkin. In general, the blogs that
supported Obama in the election tend to advocate for similar policies and
candidates as the Democratic party; and the blogs that supported McCain tend
to advocate Republican policies and candidates. Digby, Hot Air and Michelle
Malkin are single-author blogs; the others have multiple authors."