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stplanr (version 0.1.4)

dist_google: Return travel network distances and time using the Google Maps API


Return travel network distances and time using the Google Maps API


dist_google(from, to, google_api = Sys.getenv("GOOGLEDIST"), g_units = "metric", mode = "bicycling", arrival_time = "")


Text string or coordinates (a numeric vector of length = 2 representing latitude and longitude) representing a point on Earth.
Text string or coordinates (a numeric vector of length = 2 representing latitude and longitude) representing a point on Earth. This represents the destination of the trip.
String value containing the Google API key to use.
Text string, either metric (default) or imperial.
Text string specifying the mode of transport. Can be bicycling (default), walking, driving or transit
Time of arrival in date format.


Estimate travel times accounting for the road network - see https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/distance-matrix/ Note: Currently returns the json object returned by the Google Maps API and uses the same origins and destinations.


Run this code
## Not run: 
#  # Distances from one origin to one destination
#  dist_google(from = c(0, 52), to = c(0, 53))
#  data("cents")
#  # Distances from between all origins and destinations
#  dists_cycle = dist_google(from = cents, to = cents)
#  dists_drive = dist_google(cents, cents, mode = "driving")
#  dists_trans = dist_google(cents, cents, mode = "transit")
#  dists_trans_am = dist_google(cents, cents, mode = "transit",
#   arrival_time = strptime("2016-05-27 09:00:00",
#    format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "BST"))
#  # Find out how much longer (or shorter) cycling takes than walking
#  summary(dists_cycle$duration / dists_trans$duration)
#  # Difference between travelling now and for 9am arrival
#  summary(dists_trans_am$duration / dists_trans$duration)
#  odf = points2odf(cents)
#  odf = cbind(odf, dists)
#  head(odf)
#  flow = points2flow(cents)
#  # show the results for duration (thicker line = shorter)
#  plot(flow, lwd = mean(odf$duration) / odf$duration)
#  dist_google(c("Hereford"), c("Weobley", "Leominster", "Kington"))
#  dist_google(c("Hereford"), c("Weobley", "Leominster", "Kington"),
#   mode = "transit", arrival_time = strptime("2016-05-27 17:30:00",
#   format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "BST"))
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab