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stplanr (version 0.1.4)

route_cyclestreet: Plan a single route with CycleStreets.net


Provides an R interface to the CycleStreets.net cycle planning API, a route planner made by cyclists for cyclists. The function returns a SpatialLinesDataFrame object representing the an estimate of the fastest, quietest or most balance route. Currently only works for the United Kingdom and part of continental Europe. See http://www.cyclestreets.net/api/for more information.


route_cyclestreet(from, to, plan = "fastest", silent = TRUE, pat = cyclestreet_pat())


Text string or coordinates (a numeric vector of length = 2 representing latitude and longitude) representing a point on Earth.
Text string or coordinates (a numeric vector of length = 2 representing latitude and longitude) representing a point on Earth. This represents the destination of the trip.
Text strong of either "fastest", "quietest" or "balanced"
Logical (default is FALSE). TRUE hides request sent.
The API key used - this is usually aquired automatically through a helper function


This function uses the online routing service CycleStreets.net to find routes suitable for cyclists between origins and destinations. Requires an internet connection, a CycleStreets.net API key and origins and destinations within the UK to run.

Note that if from and to are supplied as character strings (instead of lon/lat pairs), Google's geo-coding services are used via RgoogleMaps::getGeoCode().

You need to have an api key for this code to run. Loading a locally saved copy of the api key text string before running the function, for example, will ensure it is available on any computer:

mytoken <- readLines("~/Dropbox/dotfiles/cyclestreets-api-key-rl") Sys.setenv(CYCLESTREET = mytoken)

if you want the API key to be available in future sessions, set it using the .Renviron file e.g. on Linux machines in bash via:

echo "CYCLESTREET=f3fe3d078ac34737" >> ~/.Renviron

Read more about the .Renviron here: ?.Renviron

See Also



Run this code

## Not run: 
# # Plan the 'fastest' route between two points in Manchester
# rf_mcr <- route_cyclestreet(from = "M3 4EE", to = "M1 4BT", plan = "fastest")
# plot(rf_mcr)
# # Plan the 'quietest' route from Hereford to Leeds
# rqh <- route_cyclestreet(from = "Hereford", to = "Leeds", plan = "quietest")
# plot(rq_hfd)
# # Plan a 'balanced' route from Pedaller's Arms in Leeds
# to the University of Leeds
# rb_pa <- route_cyclestreet("Pedaller's Arms, Leeds", "University of Leeds", "balanced")
# library(leaflet) # requires the leaflet CRAN package
# # display the route on an interactive map
# leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>%
#   addPolylines(data = rb_pa)
# woodys_route = route_cyclestreet(from = "Stokesley", plan = "fastest", to = "Leeds")
# # Plan a route between two lat/lon pairs in the UK
# p1 <- c(-2, 52)
# p2 <- p1 + 1 # add a degree!
# route_cyclestreet(p1, p2, "fastest")
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab