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stplanr (version 0.1.4)

route_transportapi_public: Plan a single route with TransportAPI.com


Provides an R interface to the TransportAPI.com public transport API. The function returns a SpatialLinesDataFrame object representing the public route. Currently only works for the United Kingdom. See https://developer.transportapi.com/documentationfor more information.


route_transportapi_public(from, to, silent = FALSE)


Text string or coordinates (a numeric vector of length = 2 representing latitude and longitude) representing a point on Earth.
Text string or coordinates (a numeric vector of length = 2 representing latitude and longitude) representing a point on Earth. This represents the destination of the trip.
Logical (default is FALSE). TRUE hides request sent.


This function uses the online routing service TransportAPI.com to find public routes between origins and destinations. It does not require any key to access the API.

Note that if from and to are supplied as character strings (instead of lon/lat pairs), Google's geo-coding services are used via RgoogleMaps::getGeoCode().

See Also



Run this code

## Not run: 
# # Plan the 'public' route from Hereford to Leeds
# rqh <- route_transportapi_public(from = "Hereford", to = "Leeds")
# plot(rq_hfd)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab