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stplanr (version 0.5.0)

overline_intersection: Convert series of overlapping lines into a route network


This function takes overlapping LINESTRINGs stored in an sf object and returns a route network composed of non-overlapping geometries and aggregated values.


overline_intersection(sl, attrib, fun = sum, na.zero = FALSE, buff_dist = 0)



An sf LINESTRING object with overlapping elements


A character vector corresponding to the variables in sl$ on which the function(s) will operate.


The function(s) used to aggregate the grouped values (default: sum). If length of fun is smaller than attrib then the functions are repeated for subsequent attributes.


Sets whether aggregated values with a value of zero are removed.


A number specifying the distance in meters of the buffer to be used to crop lines before running the operation. If the distance is zero (the default) touching but non-overlapping lines may be aggregated.


Run this code
routes_fast_sf$value = 1
sl <- routes_fast_sf[4:6, ]
attrib = c("value", "length")
rnet = overline_intersection(sl = sl, attrib)
plot(rnet, lwd = rnet$value)
# A larger example
sl <- routes_fast_sf[4:7, ]
rnet = overline_intersection(sl = sl, attrib = c("value", "length"))
plot(rnet, lwd = rnet$value)
rnet_sf <- overline(routes_fast_sf[4:7, ], attrib = c("value", "length"), buff_dist = 10)
plot(rnet_sf, lwd = rnet_sf$value)

# An even larger example (not shown, takes time to run)
# rnet = overline_intersection(routes_fast_sf, attrib = c("value", "length"))
# rnet_sf <- overline(routes_fast_sf, attrib = c("value", "length"), buff_dist = 10)
# plot(rnet$geometry, lwd = rnet$value * 2, col = "grey")
# plot(rnet_sf$geometry,  lwd = rnet_sf$value, add = TRUE)
# }

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